わが子に付けたい名前 第1位は”ヨンジュン”ちゃん。 −第2位は”ヨンハ”。”ジョンイル”は惜しくも最下位。 − |
「俺もジョン様と呼ばれたい」と 涙を拭きながら嘆く将軍様。 |
過去の記事 わが子に付けたい名前 衝撃! *印各社、「毒印乳業」「嘘印 路上でシスプリを売っていた男、 東シナ海の不審船から、 敬宮愛子様、血液型は ビン・ラディン氏、ホモ疑惑発覚!?
We lost the one hero. However, this is ? no about whether defeat is meant! It is beginning! Compared with an earth federation, the national power of my JION is 1/30 or less. Nevertheless, why was able to fight it out till today? Gentlemen! It is because the war purpose of my JION dukedom is justice. Gentlemen know this most. We have run after the earth and were made to carry out by the space immigration person. And did we to whom a handful of elite governs the earth federation who swelled even in the universe, and lives in about 50 year and the universe demand freedom, and how many times were trampled down? God should not forsake fighting for every human beings' freedom which a JION dukedom hangs up. My younger brother! GARUMA ZABI which gentlemen loved died. It is why!? "BOUYA-DAKARASA." the people who had the hegemony of a new time chosen obtaining history being necessary. If it becomes, self must straighten up and must overcome this war situation. We were agonized though [ both ] severe space was made into the place of a life, we practiced, and have built today's culture. once JION DAIKUN innovation of human beings the universe people it was said that it began from us However, an earth federation's mole will be puffed up if they have human beings' control, and it resists us. Gentlemen's father and the child died before the federation's thoughtless resistance! Don't forget neither this sadness nor anger! About it, it is GARUMA! It was shown to us with death! Now, we can get a true victory only after we concentrate this anger and strike it in a federal army. Just this victory serves as the greatest comfort to all persons killed in war. national,stand up! Change and stand sadness to anger! people,stand up! It wants without forgetting that they are the people as whom just self JION country people were chosen. Just the self which is just superior kinds can save human beings. JIKU JION! |
なお、このニュースは嘘っぱちです。 |